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What Are Microloans and How to Make Money Investing In Them

What Are Microloans and How to Make Money Investing in Them

By Prerna Banwait | March 21, 2023

Microloan investing is a concept that continues to gain popularity. It is a form of investment that allows individuals to lend small amounts of money to borrowers who may not have access to traditional financial services. This type of investment can be a great way to make money while supporting small business owners.

This blog discusses how to make invest and make money online through microloan investing, including the benefits and risks involved.

What are Microloans?

Microloans are small loans typically issued to low-income individuals or small business owners. The loans are usually too small to be published by traditional banks.

What to Consider Before You Make Investing Decisions

Microloans are available through microfinance institutions (MFIs) that focus on lending to individuals and small businesses in developing countries. These institutions may also provide other financial services like savings accounts and insurance.

Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus introduced the concept of microloans and also founded the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh in the 1980s. Since then, microfinance has grown into a global industry, with more microfinance institutions operating worldwide.

What Are Microloans Used For?

Microloan investing is a type of investment where investors lend small amounts of money to entrepreneurs or small business owners who lack access to traditional forms of financing. These loans are typically used for working capital, to purchase equipment or inventory, or to start or expand a business. 

The concept of microlending is not new and has been around for several decades. But it has gained significant traction in recent years due to the rise of technology, making it easier for individuals to invest and earn money online.

Benefits of Microloan Investing

One of the primary benefits is the potential to impact society positively. Microloans are usually made available to people who can’t obtain financing through traditional lenders. These include struggling small business owners, minorities, and even regular people needing small cash for necessities. By lending money to such individuals, microloan investors help stimulate economic growth and reduce poverty.

Benefits of Microloan Investing

Another benefit of microloan investing is the potential for attractive returns. While microloan investments typically offer lower returns than traditional forms of investing, they also come with lower risk. This is because microloans have short repayment terms, which means investors have a relatively low risk of default. Additionally, many apps for investing money allow investors to diversify their investments across different loans, which can further reduce risk.

Benefits In Short:

High Returns: Microloans can offer higher returns than other types of investments, with some platforms offering returns of up to 15% or more.

Diversification: Microloan investing can be a great way to diversify your investment portfolio as it allows you to invest in various borrowers and make a profit.

Social Impact: It can have a positive social impact as it allows you to support entrepreneurs and small business owners who may not have access to traditional financial services.
Low Minimum Investment: Microloan investing requires a low minimum investment, making it a good option for many newbie investors.

Risks With Microloan Investing

While microloan investing can offer high returns and have a social impact, it also involves risks that investors should be aware of. Some of the risks include the following:

One potential drawback of microloan investing is the lack of liquidity. Unlike stocks or bonds, it’s not easy to trade microloans on secondary markets. Investors may have to wait until the borrower repays the loan to receive their principal and interest payments. Additionally, microloans are often subject to currency and political risk, mainly if available to borrowers in developing countries with significant economic and political instability.

Risks In Short:

Default Risk: Microloans are typically accessible to high-risk borrowers who may not have a strong credit history or collateral to secure traditional loans. This can increase the risk of default, meaning that the borrower may not be able to repay the loan.

Currency Risk: It may involve investing in currencies other than your own, which can expose you to currency risk if the currency’s value fluctuates.

Political Risk: Microloan investing may also expose you to political risk, as political instability or changes in government policy can impact the borrower’s ability to repay the loan.

Liquidity Risk: It may also involve liquidity risk, meaning it may be challenging to sell your investment if you need to cash out quickly.

Despite these challenges, microloan investing can be valuable to diversify the investment portfolio. Individuals can support economic development and social impact by investing in microloans while potentially earning attractive returns. As the world becomes more interconnected due to technology, microloan investing is likely to become an increasingly popular and accessible way to invest and make money for individuals around the globe.

How to Invest in Microloans?

There are several ways to invest in microloans, including microlending platforms like Lendee, microfinance institutions, and crowdfunding websites. Most microlending platforms allow investors to lend money directly to individuals or small business owners in exchange for interest payments. 

Some microfinance institutions provide loans to entrepreneurs in developing countries and often have a social mission to reduce poverty and promote economic development. Crowdfunding websites allow individuals to invest in early-stage startups in exchange for equity or rewards.

When investing in microloans, you must do your due diligence and research the borrower and the lending platform before making any investments. This can include looking at the borrower’s credit history, business plan, and financial projections and examining the lending platform’s track record and reputation. 

It is also essential to consider the loan terms, such as the interest rate, repayment term, and collateral requirements. It helps ensure your investment aligns with your personal financial goals and risk tolerance.

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How to Make Money with Microloan Investing

As an investor, you can choose the borrowers you want to lend to, who will repay the loan with interest over a set period.

How to Make Money with Microloan Investing

There are several platforms and investing apps available that allow individuals to invest in microloans. These platforms typically charge a fee for their services and may provide tools to help investors choose borrowers and track their investments.

To start investing in microloans, you must typically create an account with a microlending platform and add some money to your account. You can then choose the borrowers you want to lend to. Some platforms may also allow you to automate your investments based on your preferences.

A trusted microlending platform like Lendee allows users to invest and make money through a few simple steps. Once you sign up with Lendee by inputting basic credentials, you can decide how much you want to invest. The platform will introduce you to a vast network of borrowers who require a microloan. This gives you the freedom and control over your money, ensuring you’re investing on your own terms to make a profit.


Microloan investing is an excellent way to make money from the comfort of your couch, thanks to technological advancements. For those looking for passive income but don’t have large amounts to invest, microloans are a great way to begin. 

Lendee offers complete transparency to both the lender and the borrower. 

Download the Lendee app to start right away with as little as $100, $200, or visit to learn more!